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At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcapAt School, goin into gr 12 I_voting_barAt School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap 
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcapAt School, goin into gr 12 I_voting_barAt School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap 
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcapAt School, goin into gr 12 I_voting_barAt School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap 
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcapAt School, goin into gr 12 I_voting_barAt School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap 
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcapAt School, goin into gr 12 I_voting_barAt School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap 
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcapAt School, goin into gr 12 I_voting_barAt School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap 
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcapAt School, goin into gr 12 I_voting_barAt School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap 
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcapAt School, goin into gr 12 I_voting_barAt School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap 
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcapAt School, goin into gr 12 I_voting_barAt School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap 
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcapAt School, goin into gr 12 I_voting_barAt School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap 
How long has this forum been up?
since April 25
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcap29%At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap
 29% [ 2 ]
since May 26
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcap14%At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap
 14% [ 1 ]
since March 25
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcap0%At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
since March 24
At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_lcap57%At School, goin into gr 12 I_vote_rcap
 57% [ 4 ]
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 At School, goin into gr 12

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At School, goin into gr 12 Empty
PostSubject: At School, goin into gr 12   At School, goin into gr 12 EmptyThu May 15, 2008 5:53 pm

Hey guys, im at school right now so i cant help out on on anything, srry.. skool is about to end and ill be goin into gr12 so i wont have much time on working on this.. but I will in july-june.
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Number of posts : 585
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-03-25

At School, goin into gr 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: At School, goin into gr 12   At School, goin into gr 12 EmptyThu May 15, 2008 5:59 pm

ok maybe will have it ready by then...
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Age : 34
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At School, goin into gr 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: At School, goin into gr 12   At School, goin into gr 12 EmptyFri May 16, 2008 6:04 pm

Maybe.. 8(
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At School, goin into gr 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: At School, goin into gr 12   At School, goin into gr 12 Empty

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