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1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap1 month and still supportive. I_voting_bar1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap 
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap1 month and still supportive. I_voting_bar1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap 
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap1 month and still supportive. I_voting_bar1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap 
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap1 month and still supportive. I_voting_bar1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap 
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap1 month and still supportive. I_voting_bar1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap 
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap1 month and still supportive. I_voting_bar1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap 
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap1 month and still supportive. I_voting_bar1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap 
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap1 month and still supportive. I_voting_bar1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap 
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap1 month and still supportive. I_voting_bar1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap 
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap1 month and still supportive. I_voting_bar1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap 
How long has this forum been up?
since April 25
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap29%1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap
 29% [ 2 ]
since May 26
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap14%1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap
 14% [ 1 ]
since March 25
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap0%1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
since March 24
1 month and still supportive. I_vote_lcap57%1 month and still supportive. I_vote_rcap
 57% [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 7


 1 month and still supportive.

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2 posters

Number of posts : 585
Age : 30
Registration date : 2008-03-25

1 month and still supportive. Empty
PostSubject: 1 month and still supportive.   1 month and still supportive. EmptySat Apr 19, 2008 7:12 pm

As you all know 4/25/08 Marks the end of our 1st month on this forum. During this time we have been exited, sad, mad, happy and many more emotions but your still here. If you ask me even if it took a year for the server to come up you guys would still be here waiting to enjoy a server of your own. With only a month past us we already have well over 500 post. In a few months we will be looking back at these days and remembering when we only had 500 post and 13 members with our high on at one time was 5 members. As of now im not sure when the server will be up but and im not saying any random dates untill i am fully informed and when the server comes up ill make sure you guys will be the first to know. With that said i would like to be the first to thank you all for sticking with us and supporting us. Remember if you have any problems PM or send me a msg on MSN and i will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Number of posts : 116
Location : Buffalo
Registration date : 2008-04-01

1 month and still supportive. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1 month and still supportive.   1 month and still supportive. EmptyMon Apr 21, 2008 11:54 am

Congratz everyone and Bladezor and thanks for your support Smile.
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1 month and still supportive.
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